January 1975 Call For Action
The following message was sent out to the general population of the Village
What will be the fate of Glendale in ten or fifteen years hence?
Much depends on what we do today. With ballooning TriCounty Shopping Center to the north, the industrial tide flowing up the valley to the east and sweeping through Woodlawn to the south, now is the time to act to keep our village from being swallowed up by encroaching urbanization. Come join a group of concerned citizens who have forged Glendale Heritage Preservation (which has been incorporated in Ohio as a non-profit organization) who’s purpose is to preserve the unique qualities of the village achieved between the founding and the present time, as well as to protect and preserve the general historic values of our Glendale.
Thus far, this small group has succeeded in having our Police Station approved by the Ohio Historic Preservation Advisory Board for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. Our next immediate objective, which we hope to coincide with the Bicentennial, is to have the Village of Glendale recognized as a National Historic District and, as such, to be listed in the National Register.
We need your help. We invite your participation.
NOTE: the goal of getting Glendale on the register of Historic Places was achieved in 1976 well before the sesquicentennial in 2005.