June 25, 1974 Preservation Rather Than Restoration
This was the third meeting of this informal group. What brought them together was the desire to preserve rather than restoring an area that is quite unique in the United States.
In earlier meetings they had discussed the efforts in Ipswitch, Massachusetts to protect a 17th century building nearly lost to a gas station. There a trust had been formed and many houses had restrictive covenants preserving for future generations the fruits of the labor of their ancestors.
Riverside, Illinois a suburb of Chicago, became a National Historic Landmark in 1970. It was decided that Riverside would be a good example for Glendale to Follow. Doreen Gove wrote to Mrs. Morton, Editor of Historic Preservation, requesting information on Riverside however this proved to be a dead end as the Department of Field Services was backlogged. It was decided that the National Historic Landmark could be a giant step forward in solving some of the potential future problems. To that end it was decided that they would strive for the following:
The formation of the Glendale Heritage Trust for Preservation Documentation of all architectural and historical sites within the Village
Appoint an Architectural Historian and photographer to perform documentation
Begin documenting the significance of various sites.
During the subsequent two months with Mr. Gale Brook’s input it was decided to start with one building. They chose the Glendale Police Station as it was built as a police station and after more than 100 years it was still used for that purpose. Photographs were taken and with Mr. Brook’s help they gathered the information to complete the Nomination forms.
A letter dated December 14, 1974 arrived indicating that:
The Glendale Police Station “…has been given final approval by the Ohio Historic Site Preservation Advisory Board as qualified for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places of the National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. The nomination forms are now being sent to Washington D.C. for federal approval.”

Police Station 1973

Police Station 1985

Police Station 2007